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CVE-2023-36741 – Microsoft Edge bug

CVE-2023-36741 – Microsoft Edge bug

Dear readers,
we wanted to inform you about the new vulnerability "CVE-2023-36741", which affects the Microsoft Edge browser.

Score: 8.3
Publish date: 25.08.2023
Affected browser version: versions below 116.0.1938.62
Affected OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS X


This is a vulnerability in Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) that could allow an attacker to elevate their privileges on the affected system. The vulnerability has been assigned a high severity rating with a CVSS score of 8.3, indicating that it poses a significant risk.

Please inform customers and call for patching. Ensure the latest stable version (116.0.1938.62), which includes the security update for this vulnerability, is used.


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